You’re Bubba. No, I’m Buddha

It looks like that bitch Bubba (site is still using Flash) totally ruined my love for music. I’m sitting here in total silence now, something that’s very unusual in my case. I was planning to make another one of those mix CDs for Camilla for Christmas (I’ve never claimed that I’m imaginative when it comes to gifts, and I think she liked the mix I made for her birthday, so I decided to make another one).

But all the tracks I had planned to put on the CD were ripped from radio.wazee and thanks to a song vs. song information delay all the ripped MP3 files contain a few seconds of the previous song, meaning that I had to do a tiresome “split, merge and then split again”-operation on every song with perfect timing to get the CD to sound all right. But thanks to Bubba I really didn’t feel like doing that tonight. To be honest, I don’t have the time to put the CD together anyway, what I really should be doing now is to pack. I don’t feel like doing that either. What I want to do is sleep.

Camilla told me today that she probably won’t have the time to see me during my four and a half hour pit stop in Trondheim when I’m waiting for Stine to get finished at work. Which means that I’ll just have to hang her other present on her front door and hope that no one steals it. It’s a bloody shame, really, that she probably doesn’t have the time, she’s a great girl and I feel that she’s slipping away already. She’s having a very good time with her boyfriend right now, which is great, of course, she deserves that and more, but because of her tight schedule with work, school, boyfriend and other everyday things, I hardly hear anything from her anymore.

Maybe I should tell this to Camilla instead of you guys. Probably.

Anyway… This is the last entry to be posted in a while, the next entry will be written in the evening of December 29 at the earliest, so I just want to repeat what I said in yesterday’s entry: I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Yay!


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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