At one point we were pretty confident we’d broken the box. but with a little bit of HD locking, BIOS flashing, dashboard installation and praying, everything now seems to be working like it’s supposed to, and I’m a happy nerd.
For those of you who wished you could be here to witness the stunt, I documented it all in the Mobog. I’ve also included some of the pictures in this entry.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Just wantet to add the effect of a few beers and the inhaling of large amounts of smoke from the soldering processis a nasty headache. Experienced first hand.
But it was fun to "fix" the Xbox, it has been to long since i last "fixed" stuff like that.
So I guess it was just like the morning after drinking a lot of beer, only much, much cheaper.
I really can’t see why you should complain about that.
Perhaps because i didnt get to drink all that beer. And you cant bring a trivial element like money into the consumation of beer.
Amen, brother
Hello Roar whats going on ey
are u finishd wite the game u started to work on?
well se u later