Write a review and get it online!
A short while ago, I opened up the Consumer section on my site. So far it’s kind of slender, but filling a new section usually takes time. At least if you want me to fill it with quality reviews, and I guess you would prefer that.
But, honestly, it’s not going as fast as I had hoped, the cruel reality of Real Life (TM) takes a little bit too much of my time. And that’s where you come in. I want you, my trusty, very intelligent and likeable visitors, to help me out. For the price of $0.00 (that’s “free”) you can get your writings published online. Get your own fan club. World domination. The opportunities are endless.
Sounds tempting? Then keep on reading!
What can you review? I’m pretty flexible. You can review almost anything. The only rules are that it has to be legal (at least in three states) and that the item (or the parts required to assemble/make the item) is either available for sale on the Internet or that it’s something the readers can fix themselves at home.
Any other things you should know? Yeah (and this is important), whatever you submit must be your original work, not a copy of someone else work. All the stuff you submit to me for publishing will continue to be your own work. Your review should not be too short nor too long. And your English skills should be rather good, preferably better than mine.
Building a review The most important part of the review is of course the review itself. But the review is not the only thing you can submit. If you take a look at the one of the reviews published in the consumer section, you will see that they are made of modules. The currently available modules are (more will be coded on demand):
- Review with rating - this is the review with an overall rating. You are required to submit an overall rating with your review.
- Factbox - a factbox contains facts about the item reviewed. Who made it, small bits of information about the whoever made it, what kind of features the item has and so on. What kind of info is displayed in the factbox depends very much on the item reviewed. You are not required to find this information, but it would be nice if you did. If a picture of the item is not available on the Internet, you are required to submit a picture of the item for the factbox.
- Buy online - a collection of links to online stores that sell the item or the stuff needed to assemble/make the item. You are not requested to submit this information, but it would be nice.
- Photo Frenzy - If you want to make a photo documentary to supplement you review, that would be nice. Just submit the photos and a description of each photo with your review. I’ll do the dirty work.
- User Comments - this box is added at the bottom of every review, you don’t have to worry about it. Just check in frequently to have a look at all the fame and glory!
- Special modules - category specific modules. The only specific module at this time is the Track list for the Music category.
That’s about everything you need to know. If you have any questions, please contact me. This is also the address you should use when submitting your work. You can also have a look here for further contact information (ICQ, MSN, Yahoo! and AIM).
I whish you good luck and a big thank you in advance. I know how much hard work it is!
This information is also available here.
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