wp-days-ago v3.2
Please note that this plugin is no longer supported. You’re still free to use it of course, but I will not fix bugs or reply to support forum threads. There are other plugins that provide the same functionality that you might want to try instead, like Meks Time Ago and The Time Ago.
My WordPress plugin, wp-days-ago, has been updated to version 3.2. The plugin displays the number of years, months, days, hours and minutes since a post or a page was published or modified, or a comment was published, in the same format as Facebook, Twitter etc. Examples are “Just now” (less than a minute ago), “47 minutes ago” (less than an hour ago), “3 hours ago” (less than a day ago), “Yesterday”, “3 days ago”, “One week ago”, “3 months ago”, “3 months, 4 days ago”, “2 years, 13 days ago” and so on. It’s also possible to configure wp-days-ago to fall back to displaying the actual date and time when a post or page was published when a certain number of seconds after publishing time has been reached.
Cache plugins, like W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache, are supported through the use of AJAX. This means that the plugin will show correct information even if the page is cached.
Changelog from 3.1.1 to 3.2 (many of these changes have been done in minor releases between 3.1.1 and 3.2, but the releases has not been announced on this site, only on the plugins page in the WordPress plugin repository) :
- New feature: The plugin can now also be used to show posts/pages modified dates, and comments published dates.
- New feature: Added support for not displaying the “ago” appender for translations that do not use it (for instance German).
- Added Ukranian translation (thanks to Alexander Avramenko).
- Added Kurdish (Central Kurdish) translation.
- Added German translation (thanks to WordPress.org user ezkay).
If you already have wp-days-ago installed you will be notified about an update when you log into the WordPress administration console. If you don’t have it installed you can download it from the WordPress plugin repository or from the WordPress plugin manager.
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