Window Ghost

And just a few hours later, I’m back at Stansted airport. Thanks to the delayed flight, I got to the meeting half an hour late, but it wasn’t exactly the end of the world. It turned out to be an interesting meeting, and it could be the start of something big.

But enough talk about work. Instead, let’s listen to me spilling my emotional beans for a minute.

The memories of the ex-girlfriend are begining to vanish. I do think about her every single day, I guess it’s natural when someone who has been in your life for two years suddenly just disappears from it. But even if I’m still thinking of her every day, it doesn’t bring down the rest of my day. And I don’t miss having her as my girlfriend anymore. I miss her as a friend.

I’m moving on, I guess. Good shit. Thank you, friends. Especially Liv Marie.

Picture taken with a Nokia 6230


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It looks like you're using Google's Chrome browser, which records everything you do on the internet. Personally identifiable and sensitive information about you is then sold to the highest bidder, making you a part of surveillance capitalism.

The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.