When you get that creepy feeling
Some of you might have started to wonder what’s wrong with me. With entry #373 you probably noticed that something weird was about to happen, but you laughed it away and blamed it on my allergy medication. Then came yesterday’s entry #375 - whistles blew and bells rang. Something was not right. The usual entries about my so-called life, how much I detest certain things and love other, and my jabbering on about nothing was replaced by something else, something a little deeper, somewhat authorish and maybe even slightly entertaining - at least if you’ve been in a coma for the last twelve years and it was the first thing you read.
This, my very intelligent visitors, is what happens to me when I live in a city where I know very few people, have no Internet connection and the Old Folks Home cable television pack. And in a few days the TV is gone, too. This might result in even more short stories for you, so you might as well get used to it. I’ll also collect them in the features section as I go along.
Besides writing a totally meaningless story last night, I also gave the cast section a serious overhaul. Three people were added, Hege Sikveland, Ola Akselberg and Terje Lundhaug Heen. If you’re any of these three, please have a look at whatever I’ve written about you and let me know if you think it’s inappropriate. Maybe I should have asked them to read through it before I put it online, but what the hell. I don’t write anything that bad. I also updated the info on Stine and Tor Olav.
This afternoon I’m going to Terje and Kaspar’s joint birthday party. I’m not in the most partyish mood at the moment, but I’m usually not before a party anyway. As soon as I get there, everything is normally good, though. Me and Hallvard got him a years subscription on the GQ Magazine, I think he might have mentioned that he wouldn’t mind getting that, but I might have heard wrong. Well, there is no way back now, dude, this magazine is dropping down in your mailbox every month for a whole year, whether you like it or not! I’m taking my party-cam with me, so I’ll probably have some pictures for the dusty old pictures section on Monday. Terje’s plan was to have a barbecue in Frognerparken, but I’m not sure if that’s gonna happen. It’s rather cloudy outside at the moment, and it just rained some.
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