Water of Life

Yesterday night me and Gine went to Terje and Inger’s annual stick meat Christmas dinner. Good food, good company and good drinks. Akvavit is what Norwegians traditionally drink with their Christmas meals, it’s served at room temperature but it still burns in your throat. Neither does it take long before you realize you’ve had enough for the evening. I recommend drinking about twice the volume of water as Akvavit as it seems it prevents you from being sick the next day. At least it works very well for me.

We got back home at around two in the morning and I might accidently have stayed up playing EVE Online until half past six or so. I’m really not sure what time it was when I finally got to bed nor what kind of missions I completed, if any, but at least I have proven that it’s possible to fly a large space ship without smashing it into anything while drunk.

I first heard about Eve Online in September last year after reading about the huge scam that happened in the game. I got myself a 14 day trail, but I found the game confusing and not too entertaining - at least not entertaining enough to pay for the monthly fee. Recently EVE Online made it’s way to the online news zines once again when an upgrade caused Windows XP’s boot.ini file to get deleted. In a worst case scenario, upgrading the game could leave your XP installation crippled and unbootable.

This publicity in addition to the recent release of a OS X version of the EVE Online client, made me give the game another go. Either they’ve changed something in the game or my preference in games has change because this time it was a whole lot of fun. If you’re ever logged in, have a look for Jacob Goods, one day owner of a large mining operation in need of protection.

Checking the stats for my “Titty Blog” entry, it’s rather obvious that tits are still popular, so here you go.

Cali es Cali


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