I’m impressed! It took me ages to get to the point where I could fly Mining Barges. I’m saving up for the exhumer-skill right now, so hopefully I’ll be flying a Mackinaw (for Ice-Mining in 0.0) or a Hulk, a very expensive piece of machinery, for regular ore-mining.
Vegard, I have to say this one more time: It pains me to see you missing out on the best part of the game, which is Corp interaction. Just yesterday we (my corp and I) had ‘Mission Night’ where a group of us (we were 10) came together and cracked a lot of lvl 4 missions. Great fun, and 10 mil in bounties for myself. If youre partially interested, contact Alex Chaos, and he will get you into Nix Academy - we can even help you relocate! (with our freighters). Hope to see you soon, whichever direction you take :)