Titty Blog

I guess my social commentary was not the most popular read of the internet yesterday. 16 views and most of the probably search engine bots. Going through the site stats, I have confirmed the universal law of the internet: Tits and ass attract the monkey boys.

Out of the top ten most read viewed entries 6 contained pictures of or more or less semi nude women, 2 had titles that could in some remote way be associated with sex, while the two last ones for unknown reasons got a lucky link on popular sites.

What do this tell me? Most internet users are straight males. And straight guys like tits and ass. Nothing new there, I guess. Or perhaps most internet users are lesbians. A popular feature of this site used to be the semi-regular posting of pictures from Cali es Cali. But it has been gone for a long time now. It’s a shame, really.

So here you go. Tits and ass.

Cali es Cali
Cali es Cali


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It looks like you're using Google's Chrome browser, which records everything you do on the internet. Personally identifiable and sensitive information about you is then sold to the highest bidder, making you a part of surveillance capitalism.

The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.