This. Is Me
A friend of mine has bought herself a brand new Canon EOS 450D and wanted to get a little shooting time with it before she went to Egypt with her boyfriend this weekend. On Thursday, me and Hans Olav met her in Slottsparken with our own gear hoping that inspiration would prove to be contagious so that we would all take some nice shots.
The 450D is a really nice camera, but as far as I can see, there was no real reason for me to consider replacing my own 400D, which handles my current photography needs perfectly well. The Canon EOS 500D, however, is a completely different story. Full 1080p HD video recording? Yes, please! It’ll be mine as soon as I win the lottery. I tried that on Wednesday, by the way, but three Danes were luckier than me.
What did we end up taking pictures of in the park on Thursday? Well, if you reside in Hell (not any of these Hells, the other one) there is a good chance that you noticed a slight fall in the temperature that day. It probably didn’t freeze over, but it wasn’t at hot as normal either, because when we finished for the day, the 450D owner had shot 120 pictures of yours truly.
People who know me know that I really don’t like being taken pictures of. There are several reasons for this, one is that I think I look like a dork (something that has been proven time and time again), the other is that I’ve got a genetic disorder that makes me blink on every picture taken of me with a flash. Maybe it’s not so much of a disorder, but rather a super power of sorts - my eyes blink almost faster than light!
So, in an attempt to conquer my fear of being at the wrong end of a camera lens and in case I’ll ever need a press kit (you never know), here are a few of the photos she took. Please don’t use any of them against me.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
I think you look hot!
Must be an amazing photographer…
Haha. The photographer did an outstanding job!