This is how I kill an hour

I’m bored. Not just your ordinary bored, I’m “what about counting the matches in the large matchbox”-bored. I’m “it sounds interesting to look at a wall for the rest of the evening”-bored. I guess you get the picture. I know way too few people in this city and all the people I know are busy. Hans Olav is at some stag party, Terje is doing something I can’t quite remember and Ola and Hege are still in Italy, or on their way home. They’re not here, at least.

The thing with Stine has stopped twitching my mind now. OK, so it hasn’t stopped completely, but it’s close. The only times I start thinking about it is when I’m bored. Like now. The worst thoughts in my mind came to some kind of consensus after I got home from seeing Cidade de Deus on Tuesday. Suddenly it all fell into place and I had a good night’s sleep. I’m still not sure why I felt the way I did, but that’s doesn’t really matter as the thoughts are almost gone now. The path of logic from brain chaos to relative order was simple: I’m not in love with her, I was at some point, but I’m not any more, and I don’t feel that there are any chance that I would fall in love with her again, even if we gave the relationship a third try. Because of that, what has happened should not bother me, thus it doesn’t. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, will it make a sound? But for the year I was dating Stine I don’t think I was ever really bored, and when I’m bored these days, my mind tries its best to find things that will stop the horrible feeling of being bored. And because of my bore-free year with Stine, my mind starts thinking about her. I could, of course, call her up, I want to, but I’m not sure how good that would be for her. So I place my cellular on another desk until the urge goes away. Yeah, I said “desk”. I’m still at work, there is nothing to do in my apartment anyway, so I might as well stay here. The only thing missing at the office is food, and I need to get home and eat soon. Very soon, I think.

I’m rambling incoherently again, it’s probably not very interesting unless you’re me or a psychology student. Chances are you’re neither. So let’s talk about something completely different.

Like potential, future work. I actually managed to get to the second round of interviews! What about that, eh? There are now only three guys left and I’m one of them. I probably said something right at the first interview. Wish me luck. Or you could help me find the two other guys and convince them that going to the second interview is a bad idea.

So, in my fight against boredom (here I go again, just can’t stop rambling, now, can I?), I realize I need more friends in Oslo. Over time, I’ll meet new friends through me current friends, but making friends like that usually takes some time. I need friends now. I need instant friends. I need simply-add-water-friends. So I turn my focus towards SprayDate. You really wouldn’t think I would, considering what I’ve written about SprayDate earlier, but if there is a good place to get instant friends, it’s there. Or so I thought. The girls (of course I want female friends, they are nicer to look at) in Oslo are just damn picky. Or maybe it’s my personality that’s tuned in on Trondheim-mode, which is obviously not very compatible with female SprayDate users in Oslo; it’s fucking hard to get a conversation going with any of them. But I’m not giving up. My personality worked very well in Trondheim. I made great friends.

And while we’re on the subject of women: As a joke, Hege has said that she’ll hook me up with her kid sister, Nina, who I briefly mention in Hege’s cast profile. I have only met her once, at some party, and I don’t think I actually talked to her, but I still remember her name (I always remember the name Nina, but that’s a completely different and really pathetic story). As you probably know, I’ve been in Ola and Hege’s apartment a few times in the last two weeks to feed their fishes while they’re in Italy. They’ve got two pictures of Nina hanging on their fridge, and having had a look at them the times I’ve been over there, Hege’s joke of hooking me up with her doesn’t sound like that bad a joke at all. She looks good, and if her personality is even remotely close to Hege’s, I’ll say she’s quite the catch.

Do I sound like stalker material? Yeah, probably. But I know and now you know, too, so there’s really nothing to worry about. But if when I get to that point, please tell me. I think I would have been a very kind stalker, really.

This post has been about women, women and even more women, so why not top it off with another peek in the Cali es Cali galleries? This time their model doesn’t look like a she-male, but there is a good chance she has undergone some boob-work. But seriously, do we care? I know I don’t. Small, medium, big, huge? It really doesn’t matter as long as the person they are attached to is comfortable with them. My guess is that Diana is comfortable with hers:

Cali es Cali

I’m feeling better now, not that bored anymore, actually. This site is just great therapy for me. If everyone in the US of A had their own site, all the shrinks would be in some real trouble. It also helps having the great tunes from Groove Salad humming in the background.

This turned out to be a long entry and I’m impressed that you read this far. As a proof that you did, please leave a comment. You don’t really have to write anything useful, just leave a comment so I see how many people actually read posts this size. Thank you.


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