The World is Full of Morons!
Every now and then I read Dagbladet even though I decided not to a couple of months ago. Recently a lot of the Norwegian online newspapers have opened for commenting on selected articles. The problem is that they let all kinds of morons comment, you don’t need to register or anything. In a perfect world, they should’ve required you to register with your social security number and force you to wear a tracking unit of some kind. With the help of the tracking unit it would be possible to hunt down comment authors like these (in Norwegian) and make sure they were never allowed to speak in public ever again. Unfortunately, I found no good way to link to particular comments so you’ll have to browse through the comments.
Yes, I’m aware of the fact that I also let anyone comment without registering, but the visitors to this site are the intelligent, articulate and good-natured of the internet crowd. Well, most of you are anyway.
Hallvard, I’m pretty sure you’ll have a field day reading through the comments.
In other news; you might notice some subtle changes to the site. “Syndication” is now called “Feeds”, the comment feed has been removed, I’m using the semi-standard Feed Icons and the feed links are easier to find at the bottom of the sidebar instead of on a separate page. Also, you can now quickly save a page to and the calendar is finally working correctly.
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