The Winter adventures of the DRAGONheart
This entry was meant for Wednesday, but it sort of slid into Thursday for a number of good and less good reasons. First of all, my site was down for an hour or two on Wednesday, so if you tried to access it (of course you did), wasn’t able to and burst into tears (of course you did), it was not your fault, or my fault - but my host’s, Serve The World. But it’s not a big deal. When the server was up and running again, I was busy haxxing code in NetBeans, as a part of my huge project this semester.
It’s suddenly getting cold outside again, with temperatures below the -10 degrees Celsius mark. Because of that, everything on my bike froze - the steering, the breaks and the gears. The bike itself was also stuck to the ground for a while, too, until I was able to tear it loose. But because my bike was unusable, I had to walk to and from my late Wednesday basketball practice, and when I got home, it was already Thursday.
I’m considering making a links page on the site. I know, it’s a huge cliché, you find them on every other page, but I think I’m going to do it anyway. A section of daily and semi-daily reads, pages I visit when I’ve got an Internet connection. Like the Norwegian sites DRAGONheart and The Adventures of Maren. Both girls write entertaining enough to keep me coming back, and they’re both good looking - and I’m a sucker for good looking girls. Did I ever mention the restraining order I got last year? No? Well, that’s another story that I might just tell later.
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