The univsersity is ruining me & SEIV Gold demo is out
I bought books for about $160 today - and realized I need one more book (aprox. $50-$60) and a bunch of articles ($30-$50). Great. Getting an education costs. Wanna be my personal sponsor?
For those of you who like 4X (explore, exploit, expand, exterminate) strategy, I’ve got some very pleasing news to report: The Space Empires IV Gold demo is out! Yay! If you’ve never heard of Space Empires before, you’ve missed quite a gem, and you should seriously try it out. The download is about 28 megabytes so it’ll take a while to transfer the bits and bytes on your 56Kbps modem (oh, I laugh at you), but it’s definitively worth it. I’ve only played SEIV (that’s Space Empires IV), but that’s a helluva game and the Gold version promises even more fun. Click here to visit the developer, here to visit the publisher and buy the game (in the US “let’s not call them POWs, that way we don’t have to care about the Geneva Convention” of A) or here to buy the game in Europe (United “we want to make our own anti-terror laws just like the US” Kingdom).
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