The day Flash died

For a while there was Flash. And it was good. But then came the beeping Flash ads.

A Norwegian general phone service provider, Telenor, is currently running an advertisement campaign where they’re telling everyone about cutting the prices for their mobile services. Fair enough, we all like cheap stuff. Just don’t add sound to your banners, people! Today I accidentally run my mouse pointer over the add four times when reading an online newspaper, and each time the familiar You’ve-Got-A-New-SMS-Hurray-sound used on Nokia mobile phones was triggered. Beep-beep. Beep-beep. Annoying? I’ll say! I’m listening to music here! I don’t want to be interrupted by unnecessary beeping. But as soon as I want to, I’ll let you know, Telenor!

So I did what I had to do. The Flash plugin is now removed from my computer and I doubt that it’ll ever return.

The results from last night’s Know Your Cola tests are now in. Four people participated, Hallvard, Camilla, Klas and myself.

Drink #1Drink #2Drink #3Drink #4
HallvardPepsiTaBCokeRimi Cola
HallvardRimi ColaPespiCokeTaB
CamillaTaBCokeRimi ColaPepsi
CamillaTaBCokeRimi ColaPepsi
VegardTaBCokePepsiRimi Cola
VegardRimi ColaCokePepsi
KlasCokeRimi ColaPepsiTaB
KlasTaBRimi ColaPepsiCoke

The first row to the right of each participants name shows what was really in the cup, while the second row shows what they thought it was. Green pairs indicated correct guesses, while red pairs are false guesses.

So, what can we learn from this. Probably nothing, this wasn’t even close to being a scientific test. But it still revealed a few interesting facts.

  • Hallvard thought the Coke he was drinking was TaB for a while, but rearranged his guesses, which saved him some Cola honor.
  • You can serve Camilla anything, she probably can’t tell coffee from tea.
  • I’ve been drinking Rimi Cola instead of Coke lately, but it looks like I could just as well drink TaB. But since it’s an American brand, it wouldn’t help my boycott much, now would it?
  • Klas is pretty good at knowing his Cola, even after a few beers and some booze.

Join us again next weekend, when we’ll check how much alcohol influences your balance. Oh, wait, we did that on Friday.


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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