The Bad Choices day
The locations thingy is now working properly. When looking through the code I realized that it hadn’t been working as intended at all since I put it on this site, it displayed the wrong images all the time. But now it’s working. Oh, let’s all jump of joy! Or maybe not…
Today has been a day full of bad choices on my account. Let’s take a quick example: I could have joined Hallvard and two other guys for a couple beers downtown, but I chose not to - for some undecided reason. Now I want beer and some company, but nooooo, Vegard (that’s me) just had to choose to be asocial and stay at home tonight. Allrightythen…
Another example (this one is not my fault (I think) and it has nothing to do about choices, but it tells a little something about my day so far): Today I could have met Stine and a friend of hers at the movies, but we were not supposed to go the the movies until tomorrow. Stine and her friend showed up a few minutes before they thought the movie started and no others came. They phoned me:
“Yeah, hello?” “Where are you!?” “Erh…at home…” “Why?” “Huh?” “Drag your ass down to the cinema, we’re waiting!” “The cinema? That’s tomorrow.” “WHAT!? You told me it was today! I’m gonna kick you in the nuts, asshole!” “No, I didn’t. I said it was tomorrow.” “Shut up! What do you have to say for yourself!?” “…you’re pretty?” *click* “Hello?” (the story is somewhat exaggerated just to put me in a better light).
To be honest, I don’t think I told her it was today, but I might have… Let’s not mention this ever again.
I’ve realized that I don’t play much games anymore, so I removed the games box to your right and replaced it another box with more or less interesting links you can try when you’re tired of this site - which should be right about….now.
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