The Audience Said Comments, And Comments There Shall Be
A few unexpected events today led to my total absence at the university today. The plan was to hand in my preliminary project report, but since I never actually got anywhere close to the office, I decided to postpone it until tomorrow. Since I worked all Easter, I think I deserve a day off. No big deal, Hallvard’s father had an old camera tripod laying in the car shed that I could have if I was able to fit my camera on top of it. I probably can. It arrived at the post office today, but when I got home, the post office was closed - so I have to get it tomorrow instead. No big deal.
The results from the poll are now in:
I’m considering coding a comment feature for the entires I write in the blog. Have you ever wanted to comment any of my entries?
- Yes, I have. 14 vote(s)
- No, not really. 7 vote(s)
- This is my first visit here, not quite sure yet. 9 vote(s)
Where were these fourteen guys when I used Greymatter and had the comments feature enable? I don’t know. But it looks like I might actually get some comments if I code a comments feature for my backend. So I’ll probably do that. But don’t expect it too soon, though.
Some of you might even remember the previous poll I had on the site. Should the content be translated to Norwegian or not? The results showed that the majority of you thought Norwegian was a good idea. Still, all you’re reading here are written in English. The reason is simply that it’s way to much work to rewrite everything. I rewrote a couple of pages a while back, but it just wasn’t any good. So it looks like the site is staying the way it is for now. At least for a couple of months. And then there are even more content I have to translate, so the longer I wait, the less likely it becomes that I’ll ever translate the site. Maybe I’ll start from scratch one day. I dunno.
Tomorrow I’m finally heading downtown to buy the new Pete Yorn album. It was released in the UK on the 15th of April, but for some strange reason it doesn’t get to my local music store until tomorrow. Oh, well. I’ve listened to Mew a lot the last couple of days, so it’s all good.
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