The Apache is not an Indian

Since I’ve got some quality time ahead of me, I kind of thought I should do something about the design on this site and code my own backend for content control. So, yesterday I installed Apache, MySQL and PHP on my Dell laptop. Installing each one was no sweat, but getting PHP and Apache to work together was a tiny pain in the ass. I first installed Apache 2.0, but couldn’t get PHP to read variables from the querystring with it. So, I decided to install phpdev 4.something-something instead, to get a pre-configured setup.

Half way through the installation I decided that I couldn’t go for a solution like that. What kind of computer engineer am I, if I’m unable to set up a simple webserver on my own? So, I removed phpdev and installed Apache again, this time 1.3 instead. Unfortunately, I ended up with having the same problem as with Apache 2, but after a while of httpd.conf hacking, I realized I had to set the RegisterGlobals variable… And the problem was gone. Yay for me.

Yesterday night I spent with Klas, Tomas, Håkon and Kristoffer, drinking beer. We also saw a documentary about stalking (where I picked up some nice pointers on what to do to not get caught), played some Counter-Strike and generally talked a lot of shit


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It looks like you're using Google's Chrome browser, which records everything you do on the internet. Personally identifiable and sensitive information about you is then sold to the highest bidder, making you a part of surveillance capitalism.

The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.