That’s What it’s Like to be Famous
I had a look at some of my server logs tonight. I sometimes do that when there are other things I should do that I really don’t feel like start doing. Like packing the rest of my stuff. Looking at the logs I noticed a couple of very interesting things.
First off, my design has been ripped by someone else! Yay for that! In my eyes plagiarism is the best proof of my enormous design talent. Or something like that. Anyway, .beldin has used one of my themes on a site that is probably not meant for the public, so I won’t link to it. Good going, I’ll send the bill tomorrow.
A site I will link to is Chin-Wag (loads extremly slow at righ tnow). I have no idea what kind of site it is, but notice what’s located at the top of the page, just below the logo and the normal stuff you find at the very top of the page. Oh, joy.
I’ve got a lot of pictures downloaded from Cali es Cali piling up on my desktop these days, and I guess the only right way to get rid of them is to post them here. What’s your excuse?
And do any of you guys know what the hell “Cali es Cali” means?
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
it probably means something like: "sucki sucki" or something…
Argh.. V. you just made me waste an almost an hour searching the net to find out what "Cali es Cali" means .. and I’m still no wiser.. Just about the only thing I figured out is that Cali is a city in Columbia, apparently filled to the brim with sexy babes..
det er vel et navn, som alt annet. dessuten er det ikke sunt å sikle etter modeller :)
English translation by Vegard (since some people started writing in Norwegian all of a sudden: "It’s probably a name, like everything else. Besides, it’s not healthy to drool on models" (or something similar)
Neida.. er ikke farlig i det hele tatt .. så lenge du husker på å drikke nok.. hvis ikke dehydrerer du .. og det er ikke sunt.. :P
English translation by Vegard: "No, it’s not unhealthy at all .. as long as you remember to drink enough.. if not, you’ll dehydrate .. and that’s not healthy"
er en smule dehydrert og trenger vann… mulig at inntaket av 3-10 pils kan ha noe med saken å gjøre. rai rai….
English translation by Vegard: "I love to sit in a hot tub and mastrubate with other guys. Once I had my hand inside a cow’s ass"
what the he.. the caliescali page is in spanish or portoguese… crapper…
Where are all the chicks?
Cali is a city in Columbia. Cali es Cali is the same as saying London is London. They could also be playing with the word caliente, which means hot.
And we sure love Cali!
What the hell happened to "please, keep it in English"? I took the liberty to translate the Norwegian comments to English.
Sorry V.. but it felt to strange to answer a comment written in norwegian with an english one.. I would also like to commend you on your translation of Klas’ comment.. it really captures the essence of his comment..
And now for something completely different; (sort of) when I tried to figure out Cali es Cali, the first thing I did was to run it through altavistas translator.. Spanish to English .. guess what it said.. (yes.. you guessed right.. "Cali is Cali", but stupid me just thought "naaa, that’s to easy") .. now I’m even more annoyed by the hour I kept looking.. argh
I think you have to tune up on your translatorskills. it was not "a cows ass" but it was a cows vagina (if that is what you call the cows version of it).
All right, whatever you say, my friend.
Cali is the name of a city, in Colombia, where I live.
The Cali’s in the webpage name stands for that City. Am, and is spanish, not portugesse
Please enlighten us, my friend; how is it to be a man in Cali? Assuming that you are a man, of course.
Bro: the sentence is not complete. It says: "Cali es Cali y lo demas es loma" that means "Cali es Cali and the rest is knoll". That’s because the whole city is located in an inmense valley between the andeans montains of Colombia. The city got more than 2 million people and the most beautiful girls with the hottest bodies can be found anywhere on the streets and the malls. Take a trip. You would never found better asses and boobs like the ones you’ll get there. Highly recommended.