Tags / Kickstarter
This is the Police
The Norlan Whisky Glass
Molecules and whisky and stuff.
Planetary Annihilation Collector’s Edition
Can the late arrival of the Planetary Annihilation Collector Edition make up for the disappointment of a just about average game?
Kung Fury
Kung Fury: Arcade-robots, dinosaurs, nazis, vikings, norse gods, mutants and a super kung fu-cop.
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today
5 New Kicks
Do you have a little money burning a hole in your pockets? What about helping someone realize their life long game development dream?
The Failures of Kickstarter
Kentucky Route Zero – Acts I & II
It looks like you're using Google's Chrome browser, which records everything you do on the internet. Personally identifiable and sensitive information about you is then sold to the highest bidder, making you a part of surveillance capitalism.
The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.