Tags / Android
Fairphone 4 Quick Review
Here's my quick and dirty review of the Fairphone 4.
Android Phones Can Be Hacked – By displaying An Image
It should be no surprise by now that your phone can be hacked. But did you know it can be done just by you looking at an image on your phone?
Dump Google
The Superbook
The missing link between your smartphone and productivity?
2014 Android Photo Editing App Review – The Verdict
PhotoDirector – Photo Editor
Photo Editor
2014 Android Camera App Review – The Verdict
Pixlr Express – Photo Editing
It looks like you're using Google's Chrome browser, which records everything you do on the internet. Personally identifiable and sensitive information about you is then sold to the highest bidder, making you a part of surveillance capitalism.
The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.