Summer Surprise
Me and Hans Olav envisioned and put together this drink earlier this year. It might look a bit like a Mojito, but it’s not and the taste is also a bit different. While a Mojito is a rather sweet drink, the Summer Surprise is fresher, maybe even a tad bitter because of the Gin. Here’s what you need to try it yourself:
- 4 cl White Rum
- 2 cl Gin
- Lime
- Ice
- Schweppes Lemon
- Fill half the glass with ice, either cubes or crushed ice. Personally, I think ice cubes work better, but it might be because I’ve never tried with proper crushed ice, just slush ice.
- Cut the lime in four and squeeze the juice from all four pieces. Put two of the pieces in the glass.
- Mix the Gin and the White Rum in the with the rest.
- Top with Schweppes Lemon.
- Add a straw.
- Profit.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
namnam :) ser god ut.
When’s the party for you to mix me a couple?
As soon as I get more of that white rum you and Ajey brought to the last party. I haven’t really tried with any other white rum, but that one is great.