Storm In A Coffee Cup
Today I pumped out about five hundred lines of code at work, which ain’t too bad considering that most of it worked. Hopefully I’m just as productive tomorrow and if I continue this way, it could be that I’ll make my August 1 deadline. Fingers crossed. While we’re speaking about programming, we’re currently hiring, have a look at our careers page. If this sounds like you or someone you know, please get in touch as soon as possible.
The other day I managed to hook up with Denise in San Andreas, took her on a drive by and got laid. At least virtually. Can’t say I’m that impressed with the Hot Coffee mod and I don’t see what all the fuss is about. You don’t really see anything at all, I guess most 15 year olds have seen a lot more graphic stuff than this on the internet.
Kine has gone to Guatemala of all places and will stay there for three weeks. Looks like she’s going to send a lot of e-mails, it will be fun to see how she does.
That’s about it for tonight, I think I’ll head off to bed now.
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