
So it almost happened again, on the day two weeks after the first attack. My guess is that the Thursday in two weeks will be a very quiet day in London. Right now everyone’s a bit on the edge, and cops with itchy trigger fingers accidentally gun down people not connected to the attacks.

Lesson learned: When you have 20 cops with guns running after you; stop.

Egypt has also been attacked, at least 88 people have been killed by bombs in Sharm al-Sheikh. When checking the online newspapers after I got home last night after having met this girl again, I suddenly got a bit worried about Stine. That was the first time I’ve been thinking of her in quite some time, she almost vanished from my mind during the TC-mess.

But yesterday night I got a bit worried. She met her new boyfriend on a trip to sunny Portugal and since they both like it where it’s hot and sunny, it’s summer vacation now and Egypt is a pretty damn hot place, it could be that they were having their summer vacation there. The chance of them actually being there is of course rather slim, but when you’ve had a few beers logic is not your best friend. The problem is I don’t have her number anymore and she’s not in the book, so reaching her is a bit hard. Anyway, no Norwegians have been reported injured or killed. So everything is probably a-okay.

And relax, I’m not re-building that bridge.

Yesterday I accidently downloaded and installed the Half-Life 2 demo on my laptop at work. I was pretty sure I didn’t have the hardware to run it, but it actually runs pretty smooth and it’s just awesome. Awesome, I tell you! I played through most of the demo before I bought the full game, and I’m waiting for it to download right now. It probably won’t be done until tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, I’m working this weekend, but I’ll probably be able to squeeze in a couple of hours of gameplay. If you loved the original Half-Life, like I did, you’ll love Half-Life 2, too.

Tonight I was supposed to go to a party at Hege and Ola’s place, but they had cancelled and gone fishing instead. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that until I was outside their apartment. Maybe next time I should tell them that I plan to come.


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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