So Close Now
So, I’m now extremly close to officially becomming a computer engineer. I think I should be more excited (I feel like I have to paint a house or something like that) - and I have no idea why I feel this way. It’s strange…
We’re having a graduation party at my house tonight. If you’re in town, you’re welcome to stop by (starts at aprox. 22:00). Ankerveien 7, Grimstad, Norway. Closest airport is about 1 hour away, so plan in advance.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
oooh, If I didn’t have to babysit and if I had the money I would surely come… but I have to babysit and I’ve got no money…!! Have fun!!