Bah… The people from Dell called me again today, wanting to validate my credit card number once more. Although this time they said they were calling from a place called TeleComputing, or something like that. The good thing this time was that my caller id kicked in and displayed where they were calling from. The bad thing is that they were calling from Sweden, or at least some country that’s not Norway where I live. And I’m pretty sure it was the same guy calling this time, too.
Anyways, I just told him that some dude from Dell had already called me just two days ago and verified my credit card number. So he said “ok” and hung up. I while there I was a little unsure if this was just a good old scam and maybe I should call Dell to tell them to tighten their security an inch or two.
But when I checked my mail a few minutes ago, an e-mail from Dell with an order confirmation was waiting for me. Good thing. It only took them 10 working days to confirm the order. Not impressed. Now I only have to wait for them to put my portable in production, and if they continue to work at this speed, I’ll have my computer some time in February next year.
Someone has complained that the layout on the site is too wide in 800x600. I thought I had fixed that, but I might have forgotten to upload the header and footer files to the server. Whops. I’ll fix it when I get home on Monday.
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