Single guys in distress – Madeleine dating again
According to various Norwegian online newspapers and other gossip sources, it looks like Swedish supermodel Princess Madeleine has once again joined the dater’s club. The lucky fuck (literally) is some rich kid named Jonas Bergström. In other Madeleine related news, it should also be mentioned that a gang of East Europeans were recently planning to kidnap her and probably give her back for a considerable amount of money. Another idea would have to sell her by auction on eBay - “One Swedish princess in reasonably good shape, somewhat scared, bids start at US $1.000.000. Payment through PayPal or briefcase with unmarked bill left in telephone booth. More information available upon request.” Why the hell am I mentioning this? I can give you one fairly good reason.
Just for kicks I searched for “vegard” - that’s my first name and the name of my site, if you haven’t noticed yet - over at Google. And joy, oh, joy. Guess who pops up as the first result? Mememememememe! I beat internationally known Vegards like soccer player Vegard Heggem and ex-cross country skier Vegard Ulvang. Beaten by amateur nerd Vegard Skjefstad. I laugh at you!
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