
I’ve had a two week involuntary exercise break, but today I was back at the Average Joe’s Gym. Of course it’s not really called Average Joe’s Gym, but based on the people who go there it might as well have been. All ages, all shapes and people on both ends of the fitness scale. Since my last visit they have finished the locker room renovation work, opened new locker rooms on the third floor and closed the old ones in the basement.

The new locker rooms are spacey and look fresh and new. At least that goes for the men’s locker room, I have not looked inside the women’s, but I assume they look the same. The most interesting new feature is the showers. They are not like ordinary showers with levers, they are controlled by motion sensors. Quite fascinating, but with a few design flaws.

You’re not supped to touch the sensors turning on and off the shower and controlling the water temperature, but if you accidentally do - like I did once - you run the risk that the sensor will continue to register movement because you have covered it with water. So, if you turn up the water temperature, it might just go up until you get burned. It generally looked like the senors where kind of sensitive to water. A bit weird to use them in a shower, but what do I know.


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