Shizzle Skjefstad Hernandez

Another weekend, another date. I went to see her, she was cool, but I left with the impression that I was not. Earlier I sent her an SMS and asked how things were and she never replied, so this could be where that little adventure ends. She didn’t strike me as a person who would play the I’ll-just-ignore-you-game if things didn’t work out quite as planned, but it could be that I was wrong.

Oh, well, shit happens.

All in all, it’s been a good weekend. Spent Friday night with Terje and Inger, was supposed to shop with Hege on Saturday but she never answered her phone for some reason, and had a nice run to Smestad today. I’m trying to enjoy this weekend as much as I can, because I’m suspecting that I have to work weekends for the rest of the month.



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