Serving The People

This has been a week of congratulations. On Wednesday we all congratulated Ola and Espen for a year of successful Rubberduck Media Lab employment, Hege and Marit for hanging in there while their boyfriends were working long hours and Stine for dumping me. Yesterday congratulations went out to my sister and her boyfriend who became parents for the first time after my sister gave birth to their son Lucas and to my parents who are now grandparents.

And today it’s time to congratulate this site,, for having beaten the one million marker. Yes, that’s right, since the day I started to record the number of pages served by the site, it has now served one million pages. Even though there are probably sites on the internet that pump out an equal number of pages each and every day, I still think it’s a nice accomplishment. It’s not like my site is the centre of the internet universe, although I like to pretend that it is sometimes.

And now for something completely different. I went out with Hans Olav yesterday, and now I’ve got yet another pathetic chick story for you.

We were supposed to go to a FOAF party with Marie at Scuba, but Hans Olav was keen on going to Parkteateret first because some girl he knows was supposed to show up there. In the queue in front of the entrance we realized that we really didn’t know anyone there yet. Not that much of a problem, semi-drunk people are easy to befriend. Hans Olav just looked over at some girls in the queue and said something like “she’s our friend”. Inside we started talking with two of them, One of the girls was quite good looking, not smashingly beautiful, but very cute with looks, height and…eh…weight distribution just the way I like it, and I ended up spending most of the time at Parkteateret with her. We talked about work, music, the universe and everything. If you meet a nice, good looking single girl - and you’re single yourself - what do you do? Yes, you ask if she might want to continue the chat another day. So I did, and she said she wouldn’t mind meeting me some other day and gave me her phone number.


We continued to chat for an hour or two until the place closed. I said goodbye, gave her a quick hug, tracked down Hans Olav and went outside where we ended up talking to another one of the girls in the gang we’d met in the queue. After about ten minutes I notice the girl I’ve been chatting with all night and now she was getting very friendly with some other guy. I’m not talking “I met an old friend and gave him a kiss on the cheek”-friendly, rather “I put my tongue down his throat”-friendly. Interesting behaviour for a girl who’d earlier in the evening made a good point out of that she was very shy.

Not so nice.

So, what the fuck happened there? Maybe her ex showed up. Maybe she had a fucking good friend. Maybe she just met the love of her life. I’ve still got her cell phone number, though, and there is no harm in sending her an SMS some day.

What can a guy do but laugh?


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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