Saturday night fewer
Another Saturday, another party. Well, in my case that’s rather far from the actual truth, I’ve not been partying for a while now, and to be honest I’ve not missed it much either. But yesterday was good, it was very good. It started with a few beers at Den Gamle Major with Ola and Gunnar. It’s a nice place, with a creepy-old-house-theme. The door to the toilets is disguised as a huge, old bookshelf. There are no signs on the door, so if it’s your first time there, taking a piss can be quite the adventure.
Then we picked up Gunnar’s girlfriend Nicole and took the tube to somewhere I’ve never been before, to a party with people I’ve never seen before. They were all 5-6 years - or maybe even more, I dunno - older than me, and not the crowd I’ll usually party with, but I figured it would be a good warm-up before the coming Saturday. My landlady is throwing yet another party in our apartment and the people coming will probably be 10 years plus older than me.
Next stop was Onkel Donald. I’ve said it before, I’ll provably say it again, and I’m saying it now: Oslo is packed with beautiful girls. Or maybe they were all just gathered at Onkel Donald’s yesterday night.
On my way home I walked behind two Irish fellas. They’d been drinking like only the Irish can, and while trying to find their way home, they were improvising drinking song. They probably won’t be sung by the church choir, to put it that way.
Tonight I’m seeing S.W.A.T. with Anja. The reviews have been so-so, but they are shooting, driving cars really fast and blowing stuff up. How bad can it possibly be?
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