Riding the roller coaster
Having worked eight hour days down at the university for a couple of weeks now, I’ve learned to appreciate the weekend. I even went home half an hour earlier today, and walked all the way home, instead of biking, like I usually do, just to calm down a little.
My brain has slowed down a little since yesterday. And I think that’s a very good thing, since it’s my brain and all. I think the reason why it was all chaos was that I was waiting for something. I was waiting for messages and e-mails to arrive, things to be arranged, things to happen. I’m still waiting for some of these things, but I’ve settled down with the fact that there is nothing I can do but wait anyway. And I also probably have to give Coldplay and their marvelous album Parachutes some of the credit for my not-so-overdriven-mind.
I sent my first submission to deviantART today. I’ve been a member for over a year, but have not produced anything until now. It’s just a quick macro shot I took when me and Gro were strolling downtown Trondheim on Tuesday. Have a look at it over at deviantART. In the future, I’ll also post a copy of the pictures here on my site, but I’m in a bit of a hurry at the moment, so you have to settle with deviantART this time. Their servers are a tad slow some times. I’m also working a little bit on a dedicated photography section for this site. Maybe it’ll even get finished some day.
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