Yes, hello. I’m just checking in to let you know that I’m all right and still breathing. Every year I take a month or so off from the internet, and this year it seems like I took my break in April. Anniken is back from her four month trip and after a couple of weeks of getting used to everything again, we’re now back at where we left off in December last year. Good times, good times indeed.
In the beginning of April we left Oslo for Larvik and the rather posh Farris Bad. The two days we spent there were ridiculously expensive, but totally worth it. At the hotel, we took the time to check another item off The List.
#83. Get a professional massage.
It was more or less what I had imagined; relaxing, painful and not something I can do very often on my budget.
Work still sucks every single drop of creativity out of me, that’s one of the main reason why there hasn’t been any updates lately. The Global Happiness project never happened, and most likely never will. I’ve got another something-something brewing in my head, of course, we’ll see how that works out.
In other news I should probably mention that there aren’t really any more news, at least nothing that can just be summed up in a single paragraph. Some stuff deserves its own entry and maybe I will eventually get around to write it.
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