Odds and Ends
The last Formula 1 race of the 2010 season came and went and you probably expected an entry about the event, but, as opposed to the race, the entry never came. To summarize the race weekend, which was last weekend, very quickly; Sebastian Vettel won the race and the championship, the race was never very exciting and Herman Tilke should seriously consider another career than motor racing circuit designer because the only Formula 1 driver who is crazy enough to overtake on his tracks is Kamui “Kamikaze” Kobayashi. The 2011 season starts March 11 next year - meaning that my weekends are open again until then.
Well, at least after we’ve cleared December. It’s traditionally a month when a lot of things happen, and this year seems to be no exception. From the top of my mind comes the annual Christmas party at Terje and Inger’s place where we’ll make fun of Terje because he eats like there is no tomorrow, the Christmas party with BEKK where people will dance on every table and of course the semi-annual gingerbread bonanza in our humble apartment. Last year, Anniken was out and about on her South American tour, but this year she’s where she should be - not in South America. Instead of cramming everything in on a Friday evening, we’re having an open house on a Saturday so that people can just come and go as they please. People are getting kids left and right these days and it just seemed like a better arrangement for them.
I used the Android gingerbread man in the invite, but I doubt anyone noticed. It’s my small contribution in the struggle to wake up the Apple sheep.
In other and totally unrelated news I’ve now changed the profile picture I used on this site. Even though the portrait shot by Life Mary was one of the better pictures taken of me, it was getting old and a little change was needed. To spare you from seeing yet another image taken in a bathroom mirror, I got help from Tray and Matt and their South Park avatar creator at South Park Studios. Life Mary’s picture looked a lot more like me than the avatar, though.
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