Even though I have nothing to say, I still ramble on. If nothing else to manage to post more entries than the lousy 88 I managed last year.
So, what’s up anyway? Not that much, really. Yesterday night I worked a graveyard shift for the first time since the Tahiti earthquake and I hope I won’t be doing it again for a very long time. Even though last night’s work went surprisingly smooth, I simply loathe working during the night. I blame it on the the five years I had of 24/7 office hours. But at least one good thing came out of last night’s session; the bike ride home in the sunrise at half past four in the morning. It was surprisingly cold, but pleasantly quiet and it smelled like spring. Marvelous. So great, in fact, that I’m considering getting up early a Saturday morning just to have another bike ride like it again.
You might have noticed a subtle change on the site as I’ve added a little button from AddThis to every entry. It allows you to share anything you might find interesting on this site to 260+ other sites, like Facebook and Twitter. Not surprisingly, the one-liners are the most shared page. But then again, about 87% of the page views are the one-liners. The front page only get a measly 4% if the page views. I love you, Google Analytics.
What else can we see from the Google Analytics numbers if we look at the past 30 days? One of the more interesting things is that Firefox is about to overtake Internet Explorer in usage, with 33% and 37% respectively. Globally, Internet Explorer still has about 53% if the users. My favorite browser, Opera, only weighs in at 2%. Disappointing.
The United States is my number one fan, with 15,736 visits, followed by the United Kingdom, India and Canada. Norway is all the way down on 7th place, but with a much higher average pages per visit and average time on site. Interesting. The number of new visitors from Norway is also much lower than the other countries, so I’m guessing my Norwegian visitors are mainly people I know who is actually reading what I write.
I’m sorry, you guys, for not writing much and not really entertaining you when I am! And why do I bother writing in English, maybe I should just switch to Norwegian. I’ve had this discussion with myself before, a couple of years ago. The result then was, as you can probably guess, that I was to keep writing in English. It’s probably the better thing to do as it keeps me on my English toes, at least to some degree.
Anyway. It’s time to get to bed, I still have some sleep to catch up. I’ll be back later.
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