Now With Even More Tags!
In the past we used to categorize everything. These days, everything is tagged instead, a method brought to the internet by popular Web 2.0 sites like and Flickr.
Here’s what your favorite online encyclopedia, Wikipedia has to say about tags:
A web page hosted on a web server or blog server which supports tagging, might have the tags Baseball, Red Sox, Tickets, Away Games, and Discounts. A human reader can probably tell the purpose of the page by quickly scanning the list of tags. Typically, the server would display the tags in a list on that page, with each tag displayed as a web link leading to an index page listing all web pages which use that tag. This allows a reader to locate quickly all pages which have been associated with the term Red Sox. If the server supports tag searching, a reader would be able to find all pages that use a particular set of tags, such as Red Sox and Tickets.
Until yesterday this site was so 2005 and only used categories. But now tags have been introduced. You can even find a tag cloud in the archives. Marvelous!
It’s not much of a tag cloud yet, though, since only two entries are tagged right now, but hopefully I’ll get around to tag everything some day.
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