Yesterday wasn’t as busy as I’d feared, we left work at about six, then went out for dinner, drank some beers and played a little pool. After I got home, I continued to drink and had a long chat with Karine about everything from immigration policy to her sister. The chat was a good idea, the drinking was not. I only had a small glass of liqueur, but together with the beer, it wasn’t a happy Vegard who woke up at seven this morning.
You might remember me talking about my Nokia 6230 phone and the MMC memory card I bought for it. You might also remember my rant about camera phones and how much I didn’t need one. I still think that I really don’t need a camera phone, but I’ve found some use for it. I can take pictures of things to remember what the hell I did, say, six months ago. For me, three things tend to bring back memories: Music, scents and pictures. When I look at the few pictures I’ve taken with the cam phone so far, I usually get a real memory boost.
Let’s say that I take an average of two pictures each day. With the current memory card, I can take over 6600 pictures. If we say that there are 365 days in each year, I can save over nine years of my life on the phone! Maybe not everything is worth saving, but I can still do it. And I think it sounds like a good idea. I probably think this because none of the pictures I’ve taken so far bring back any bad memories.
I also need to rewrite my Mobog service so I can post entries and pictures directly from my phone. Maybe tonight, eh? Or maybe not. Since I’m still at work and all.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
"…woke up at seven…"
hi hi hi
seven. :-P
Just stay right where you are so I can come and kick you in the nuts!