Norwegian Psycho

Yeah, yeah, slow on the updates, I know, and blahblahblah.

It’s been a quiet weekend, I’ve not been working in spite the fact that I probably should. But I’ve been working weekends for as longs as I can remember and I felt it was only a question of time before I pulled a Patrick Bateman on someone. If I had done that, I probably wouldn’t have been able to go to work for a long time. Hmmmm…

Anyway, yesterday Summer Parade 2005 was held in Oslo. It’s a bit like Berlin’s now semi-defunct Love Parade, only a wee bit smaller. Yet it’s still tons and tons of potential Kodak moments, but I was busy doing other things yesterday, I didn’t have the opportunity to go. Maybe next year. For those of you who wonder, Summer Parade and Love Parade are electroncia happenings, and the Summer Parade was described in domestic media as a “Trance-fest” (Trance Party). Except for one national TV station, which called it a “Transefest” (Transsexual Part). Allrightythen…


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