No Pete Yorn today. Maybe tomorrow

As usual, the basketball practice on Wednesday totally ruined my night, I was unable to fall asleep until two in the night. That’s not good when you’re supposed to get up at seven in the morning. So, when my alarm clock started beeping it’s incredibly annoying beeps, I simply turned it off, turned around in my bed and slept for another two hours. It’s better to start working two hours late and work efficiently than get to work when you’re supposed to and fall asleep there.

The new Pete Yorn album still hasn’t found its way to my favorite music store. They might have it at some other music store, but I’ve still got the gift certificate Stine gave me for my birthday, and I want to use it instead of spending my precious cash on the CD.

I’m hoping to get some work done on the comments feature tomorrow. Or maybe even tonight.


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