News From the Crypt!
Well, hi there! I’m considering closing down The reason(s) is (are) quite simple.
- Not enough time
- Not enough creativity
- Not enough money
If I had time, I would gladly pay $$$ to keep the site up and running, but I don’t have the time (or creativity) to keep on going.
So, the simplest solution is to close the whole thing up, and start up again later, if I’ve ever get creative, get time and get money ever again.
My next bill is comming up April 25th, I’m not going to pay it (I’m closing my VISA account next week), so the host will probably close the site shortly after that.
Enjoy the site while you can.
There will be no new updates!
(except some news now and then)
Author’s note, 2013-08-11: See the entry “Blast from the Past” for the brief history of my presence on the internet.
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