September One-liners
New one-liners for September 2016.
Here are a few new one-liners I’ve added to the collection:
- My favorite food will always be what you ordered.
- It’s useless trying to undo a mistake. Focus your efforts on new ones.
- A couple years ago my therapist told me I had problems letting go of the past.
- Before I tell my wife something important, I take both her hands in mine. That way she can’t hit me with them.
- I hate it when you run out of food while you’re still eating.
- “When your government only recognizes the human rights of its own citizens it’s basically a backward way of saying everyone else is less than human.” - Amie Stepanovich
- Music makes every day better, especially if you turn it up just loud enough to drown out all the people around you.
- The best thing about women is how they can tell you what you really mean when you say something.
- The most dangerous potential side effect of depression is poetry.
- When I said I was afraid of the dentist, I meant the bill.
- Let’s not talk about my mistakes, let’s focus on yours.
- My wife is fluent in furious.
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