Music Under Europe
Music underground talents play their music in the underground.
This page was supposed to show a bunch of pictures from a now-forgotten gallery. For future reference, check the markdown source. [![][1]][2] [![][3]][4] [![][5]][6]
I didn’t bring my tripod, don’t have a proper flash and the lighting conditions were terrible, so I had to go really high on the ISO to get the pictures semi-sharp, which naturally resulted in some noise. A few more shots are available in the gallery.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
I really liked the underground picture. Is it just me, or is Maria Orieta tuning her guitar when the picture of her is taken?
And will anybody except guitar nerds like me really care? :)
Fans of ms Orieta can read more about her guitar here:
It could be that she is, she stopped after the intro of one of her songs to re-tune the guitar.
You guitar-nerd, you. Play something.
I looked at the site of the norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, just now, and what was the headline? This: (in norwegian…) So I though: Hmm havent I read about this before? Oh yes I have, just check the "Clocky"-quicklink on the right. I’m not sure if I should be proud of you, Vegard, or disappointed in norwegian journalists. Probably a bit of both.
Thanks to Slashdot. News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters.
That’s my kind of exteme sports!
Or maybe not.
Fikk jobben, fikk jobben, hurra!!!!!!
Congratulations!!! :D
Congratulations on your new purchase. You won’t regret it.
So far, so good, but I miss a custom EQ option and the headphone jack pops out if you’re not careful.
Hei Vegard!! Ville bare hilse på. Titter innom en gang i blandt. Håper du finner lysten snart og skriver noen ord. Det er fint for oss andre:)
Katinka (venninne av klas om du ikke husker meg)
Sure I remember you. Some day I hope to start writing on a semi-regular basis again. In the meantime, enjoy yesterday’s entry. See you around.