Motivation-O-Meter shows zero
Woha. It’s certainly about time to have a break from the project now. So I think I’m off to play some Need for Speed for a while before Stine comes. But first, some site news for you:
Last night there were five rapid hacking attempts on the site, which most likely originated from Jakarta, Indonesia. The kid was probably connected to the Internet through Excelcomindo Pratama. There are a lot of ifs and buts here, because IP spoofing and re-routing might have been used. Tracing the IP address from Norway takes the packages through 19 hops before the trace is completed, visiting Italy and Singapore before the packages reach the other computer in Indonesia. The hacker tried to exploit Graymatter, the system I use to post on the site. Unfortunately for him, the vulnerability he tried to use was removed several versions ago.
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