More tits ahead?
According to a story over at Yahoo! News, the Janet Jackson boob-incident will result in “an extra time-delay on its [CBS’] Grammys telecast to delete both inappropriate audio and video footage from the broadcast.”. I really don’t care about this, because I’m not watching the Grammys. But will someone please stop the madness!? If there was a chance that Justin would bring a pump-action shotgun and blow Janet’s head off during the show, I would’ve understood that an extra time-delay to edit it would be a good thing, but this is just stupid.
Yahoo! News is slowly turning into my main source of news because they are pumping out news directly from, as far as I know - independent news agencies like Agence France-Presse, Reuters and The Associated Press.
Today: Went to interview, did OK and I’ll know if I got the job or not within a week.
I’m going to Trondheim to visit Stine on Friday and won’t return until Monday morning. That means now updates for you during the weekend. Most of you will be able to live normal lives without updates. Probably.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Have fun, go mad, V. We’ll probably survive..
I have got a beer with your name on it, pal.
go ahead… make my day….
Vegard-beer. I like it.
i gotta say, things like the reaction to the janet jackson incident are just the thing for putting me in a bad mood with america. i no longer try to put an adjective before "americans" to describe their problems; i just use "american" as the most insulting adjective of all…