More good reasons

Today has been a lazy Sunday. The weather outside is great, and I know that the politically correct thing to do when the weather is great is to go outside and enjoy it, but I just don’t feel like doing just that. So I’ve been inside all day. Shame on me. If I’ve had access to the balcony nicely attached to the apartment, I probably would’ve spent the day there, but I’m not allowed to use it when it’s occupied by the land lady, and that’s pretty much all the time. I could of course just have taken my bike to one of the many public parks in Oslo, but as I’ve already said - I don’t feel like it. Shame, shame on me. Kick me in the nuts and see if it helps.
Yesterday me and some other people went to Terje’s place for a few beers and a nice wok. After a while we left and went downtown to a place called Friday’s, where the girls had some pinkish drink thingy that I can’t remember the name of and woulnd’t touch, even with a ten foot pole. It’s amazing what a bad booze insident in Brazil a year ago can do to you. After the water of Hell had been flushed down we continued our journey to Rådhusplassen where the national Top 20 music chart were having a big event with lots of artists. But it took us only a few seconds to realized that we were about ten years older than the target audience (some of us already knew that before we went there, while others thought it would be fun and were quickly proven wrong - guess who - and it was not me). So we left for Bagel & Juice instead. We were the first to get there, but as soon as we sat down, people started to enter - of course. And I’ll say. There are some pretty amazing looking girls in this city. The well known beer glasses were on, but still. Good shit.
And while we’re at the subject of girls. A little bird have told me that Cathrine and Marita are moving from Bergen to Oslo in August, giving me two good reasons to try even harder to find a job when my contract with NRK runs out on August 15.
All hail the thief.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
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Yeah I thought I saw your face somewhere among all thoose screaming fourteen year old girls.. :P
Then you were wrong, my four-eyed friend. But you probably saw Ola. No shock.
who’s the thief?
There is no thief, it’s just something I wrote, inspired by the title of Radiohead’s new album. It has nothing to do with the post at all.
My brain is connected in the most peculliar ways.
ie5 funker nå
Yay! I’m da masta!
Yeah.. I think I saw Ola trying to throw his underwear at Kurt Nilsen.. :P
That’s certainly more probable.