Mile stones
So, it’s Friday evening, the clock has just slipped past eleven - and I’m updating my site. Get a life, eh?
I’ve had two beers. Haha!
I’m not going out tonight, even though I should celebrate a little because we reached an important mile stone at work today. We’ve been working like crazy for quite some time, but it paid off. We managed to keep our schedule and the result is pretty damn impressive, if I might say so. And I guess I may. The reason why I only had two beers with Espen to celebrate is that I’m going to Skien tomorrow for what’ll most likely be a great barbecue party.
Every summer - except for last year - two guys I went to college with throw a barbecue party in Skien. This year I’m going there with Terje, his lovely girlfriend Inger and probably Hallvard, if he and Espen have been able to find their way down from the mountains. This means that there will be no updating tomorrow, and that I get the weekend off before the rat race grabs hold of me on Monday.
Without further ado, here’s the good stuff you came here for:

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