Man, that’s SO gay...
It’s January, which means there’s a huge sale going on in the stores downtown. A sale means that I can afford to buy some nice clothes and new shoes again, so I went down to have a look at what they had to offer. Since it’s fucking slippery outside these days because of all the ice, and considering my faceplant yesterday, I chickened out and took the bus - which set me back a good $5. I’m glad I usually have my bike. After walking around for about two hours, I was unable to find any good shoes, but found some clothes in a store where I talked to a rather gay shop assistant. Not gay in the South Park sense of the word, more homosexual gay. Everything I picked out was so nice, “I just looove that color!”. He was helpful, but I quickly gathered some clothing that looked all right, paid for the stuff and got the hell out of there before he was able to lure me into buying even more clothes - like all shop assistants try.
Yesterday evening I had an SMS-conversation with Stine. She is having a hard time with the breakup and I’m really feeling bad for her. But I guess it’s all part of the game called life and that we’ll both be back to normal in a while. At least I hope so.
The first few pieces of my Mini-ITX system arrived today, hopefully the motherboard, hard drive and RAM will appear tomorrow, currently they seem to be stuck in Oslo. I’m planning to make some sort of guide to setting up you’re own Mini-ITX box with Linux, probably Debian, running with various servers - webserver, FTP-server, file server and so on.
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