Love me, I’m famous

I still haven’t heard anything from any newspapers regarding Mr. X. A disappointment really, doesn’t he have any nerd friends who visit my site? Everyone should have a nerd friend who visits my site.

The number of sites that link to mine are quite few. If they do, it’s usually because I’ve added a comment or a profile or something. Like waferbaby. On rare occasions, I find my site linked in someone else’s blog entries. Like Unfortunately, these links are usually only available for a short while and does not produce that much traffic. Every time Hell decides to freeze over, someone makes a permanent link to on their site. Like Ine. She’s been kind enough to link to my site. What’s funny with this link is that I’m linked as Page-3-Vegard, probably referring to my habit of posting pictures of half-nude chicks. Just like various tabloids, like The Sun.

And since it’s been a while, I have to be careful to maintain my reputation:

Another hot chick from Cali es Cali

A couple of posts ago I told you about Camilla’s successful dating. It seemed to me that it was turning into something rather serious and now I’ve been proved right. She’s not technically dating anymore, her date is now her boyfriend. I really, really hope that everything works out for her, that she’s got more luck with this guy than other guys she’s been dating. Like me.

I’m totally out of things to write these days.


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


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