Lord Vegard, Lord of Lochaber
My Scottish real estate deal was successful and I shall now only answer when addressed as Lord Vegard, Lord of Lochaber. If you’d like to visit my fine estate, put on stout boots, bring a GPS and simply follow these instructions: If you’re not in Scotland already, go there. Then head for Glencoe. Next, take the A828 to Dumr Village. 200 meters beyond the small right hand turning to Cuil is Duror cemetery. Park on the right hand side of the road on a stretch of the old road, and walk along the grass verge south from the car park around the right hand bend. Cross the road carefully opposite Corragon house. At this point, you should turn on the GPS and find Ordnance Survey Reference 197929100 754230900. When you reach the reference point, measure one foot south and one foot east from there. Welcome to my 1 square foot estate. Make yourself at home.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Greetings, Lord Vegard, Lord of Lochaber!
Wanted to take a look at your mighty estate on Google Maps, but my google-fu failed me. Therefore, I seek your help in finding answers:
How do I convert Ordinance Survey References to useable coordinates? I found this rather charming tutorial, but that didn’t result in anything.. http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/gi/nationalgrid/nationalgrid.pdf
Your loyal plebe,
www.streetmap.co.uk should be able to show a position on the map based on Ordnance Survey Reference. Here’s a direct link: Lairds Wood estate.
Gibt es immer noch Deppen, die auf so etwas herein fallen ?
Do you question my lordship!?