Life As Expected
Today I went to work. Then I went home from work. After that I ate dinner. And watched two episodes of Futurama. Then I played the guitar. Now I’m writing this. Oh, so much exiting happened today that I almost can’t control myself! Please notice the sarcasm. Yesterday was better, I played Burnout 3 for a while, then Hans Olav showed up - a potential addition to the cast if he’s OK with it - and we went out with a friend of his and had a coffer and some beer.
I was supposed to have a visitor today, make out, have fun, get laid, but then again no. It still hunts my mind, and I will remind you of it in the entries to come, but I’m taking the whole I-don’t-have-the-right-feelings-anymore-so-I’m-leaving-you-thing surprisingly well. Or maybe I’m just pretending I am. Friends help you pretend, in a way. Do I miss her? Hell, yeah!
This is actually the last picture I’ve got from Cali es Cali. I’ll post more as soon as they start to put the really hot chicks back online.

Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
adding Hans Olav to the cast is a great idea!
and you know who to call if you feel like talking…
Thanks, dude. Appreciate it.
yeah baby yeah, hotpants rule ^^
Yeah, they do - but I’m prettty confident she’d also look rather good without them hotpants.
where the condoms at???!!!
fuck the hot pants fuk the bikini they would look beter on the floor
This bitch is hot. Too bad she is a cunt
i’ll have to agree wiith ryder but i reckon they’d go with my floor better.
da bass u probly liv in a cardboard box so u will neva see her clothes on ur floor and louis there is no way in fukin hell a chik tht hot can b a cunt but i wouldnt mind puting sumtin of mine in her cunt =) but she wouldnt go for any guy sum1 tht hot could only like anotha girl hmmm think of the pictures…
i think u are the most beutiful woman i ever seen and i would like 2 go out sometime
hey baby you fine call me ok 678 566 0634
How much money for her real Ph # plus home made naked pictures of this cunt?